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The Girl in the Cellar (Miss Silver #32)

This book is a member of the special collection Special Collection: The Works of Patricia Wentworth (1878-1961)

Book Details

Title:The Girl in the Cellar (Miss Silver #32)
Elles, Dora Amy  Writing under the pseudonym: Wentworth, Patricia   
(22 of 47 for author by title)
Grey Mask (Miss Silver #1)
The Gazebo [The Summerhouse] (Miss Silver #27)
Published:   1961
Publisher:Hodder and Stoughton Ltd.
Tags:fiction, Miss Silver (Fictitional character), mystery, women detectives

Miss Silver helps a woman with no memory reconstruct a terrible crime

She awakes in a dark place. A young woman with a shattered memory, she knows neither who she is nor how she came to be in this abandoned house. All she possesses is a faint sense that someone is lying dead at the foot of the stairs. Horrifyingly, she is correct. In the cellar lies a young woman, her body broken, her head split, her life undone by a revolver's shell. The amnesiac flees and finally has a stroke of luck: She meets Maud Silver. A dowdy governess turned daring detective, Miss Silver sees immediately that something is wrong. She comforts the confused young woman, and coaxes out of her what little story she can tell. The memory of the body sets Miss Silver on a fantastic adventure--the last written by Patricia Wentworth, and one of the most thrilling of them all. [Suggest a different description.]

Comments:Miss Silver Mystery #32
Pages:261 Info

Author Bio for Elles, Dora Amy

Author Image

Dora Amy Elles (November 10, 1878 - January 28, 1961) wrote under the pen name of Patricia Wentworth. She was a British crime writer, best known for her Miss Silver Mysteries, though she also wrote romantic novels. Miss Silver is frequently compared to Agatha Christie's Jane Marple, though Patricia Wentworth's first Miss Silver novel pre-dated Agatha Christie's first Miss Marple novel by two years, and may well have inspired Agatha Christie.

In Marion Shaw & Sabine Vanacker's book Reflecting on Miss Marple, they said: "while Miss Marple may receive ten times the attention as Miss Silver, ... the woefully neglected Miss Silver is the real deal - a professional investigator and a stand-up woman, a true forerunner of all future female private eyes."

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