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Latter End (Miss Silver #11)

This book is a member of the special collection Special Collection: The Works of Patricia Wentworth (1878-1961)

Book Details

Title:Latter End (Miss Silver #11)
Elles, Dora Amy  Writing under the pseudonym: Wentworth, Patricia   
(27 of 47 for author by title)
The Listening Eye (Miss Silver #28)
Ladies’ Bane (Miss Silver #22)
Published:   1949
Publisher:Hodder & Stoughton
Tags:fiction, Miss Silver (Fictitional character), mystery, women detectives

The family living at Latter End has always been a bit of a hotchpotch--step-siblings, old family friends, old family retainers, the stray cousin--but it worked wonderfully until Jimmy Latter, owner of the house, married the stunning but ruthless Lois. After putting up with the mishmash household--for certain values of "putting up with" that include extracting as much work as possible and imposing as much humiliation as possible--Lois decides it's time to send the whole lot packing and start over. When it's her body discovered poisoned, however, Miss Silver has to pack up her knitting once again and sort through a whole houseful of motives to find the murderer. [Suggest a different description.]

Comments:Miss Silver Mystery #11
Pages:322 Info

Author Bio for Elles, Dora Amy

Author Image

Dora Amy Elles (November 10, 1878 - January 28, 1961) wrote under the pen name of Patricia Wentworth. She was a British crime writer, best known for her Miss Silver Mysteries, though she also wrote romantic novels. Miss Silver is frequently compared to Agatha Christie's Jane Marple, though Patricia Wentworth's first Miss Silver novel pre-dated Agatha Christie's first Miss Marple novel by two years, and may well have inspired Agatha Christie.

In Marion Shaw & Sabine Vanacker's book Reflecting on Miss Marple, they said: "while Miss Marple may receive ten times the attention as Miss Silver, ... the woefully neglected Miss Silver is the real deal - a professional investigator and a stand-up woman, a true forerunner of all future female private eyes."

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