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Valiant Dust

Book Details

Title:Valiant Dust
Wren, Percival Christopher   
(7 of 7 for author by title)
Stepsons of France
Published:   1932
Publisher:Longmans, Green, and Co.
Tags:adventure, fiction, Foreign Legion

We first meet Otho as a young child in the book, Soldiers of Misfortune, and we follow him from childhood to young manhood in Soldiers of Misfortune and in the sequel, Valiant Dust. Prophetically, Otho fights against two of the greatest enemies of Christian Europe. In Soldiers of Misfortune, he fights in the boxing arena a colossal black barbarian who has been trained by a white turncoat to show the world what great soldiers the black Senegalese can be. The fight scene marks what is probably the last time a European writer presents a conflict between a black and a white as a conflict between two spiritually antithetical forces, with the white man representing the forces of good and the black man representing the forces of evil.

In Valiant Dust, Otho must fight the Muslims. And he fights them without becoming like unto them. Nothing, not the desert, the Arabs, nor the black Sengalese can change or alter the innate chivalry of the English Otho Belleme. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:342 Info

Author Bio for Wren, Percival Christopher

Author Image

Percival Christopher Wren (1 November 1875 – 22 November 1941) was an English writer, mostly of adventure fiction. He is remembered best for Beau Geste, a much-filmed book of 1924, involving the French Foreign Legion in North Africa. This was one of 33 novels and short story collections that he wrote, mostly dealing with colonial soldiering in Africa.

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