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Aaron Burr: A Biography

Book Details

Title:Aaron Burr: A Biography
Schachner, Nathan   
(1 of 9 for author by title)
Alexander Hamilton: Nation Builder
Published:   1937
Publisher:Frederick A. Stokes Company
Tags:Aaron Burr, biography, history, non-fiction

Here is a true portrait of Aaron Burr—gallant soldier of the Revolution; brilliant lawyer who, it is claimed, never lost a case; master politician who forged an irresistable Tammany; Attorney General, United States Senator, VIce President—almost President of the United States; the man who drove Alexander Hamilton from the political battlefield and slew him on the field of honor; arrested and charged with treason, condemned in advance by President Jefferson, then acquitted after the most famous trial in American annals; the writer of a Diary more intimate than Pepys and more frank than Rabelais and Casanova. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:460 Info

Author Bio for Schachner, Nathan

Author Image

Nat Schachner, also appearing as "Nathan Schachner" was an American author. He also wrote genre fiction under pseudonyms, including Chan Corbett and Walter Glamis. His first published story was "The Tower of Evil," written in collaboration with Arthur Leo Zagat and appearing in the Summer 1930 issue of Wonder Stories Quarterly. Schachner, who was trained as a lawyer and held an undergraduate degree, achieved his greatest success writing biographies of early American historical figures, after about a decade of writing science fiction short stories. Schachner was one of Isaac Asimov's favorite authors.

Schachner's first eleven stories were all written with Zagat, and after their collaboration dissolved he wrote under his own name and the pseudonyms Chan Corbett and Walter Glamis. He only published one science fiction novel in book form, Space Lawyer (1953), which originally appeared in Astounding in 1941. His science-fiction career went into a decline after 1941, possibly from changing expectations of the editorial and reading public, or possibly because of increasing time spent on his historical works.

In addition to his works of science fiction, he is the author of a number of non-genre historical novels and several biographies of early American political figures, most notably his two volume work on Thomas Jefferson.--Wikipedia.

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