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Minerva's Owl

This book is a member of the special collection Special Collection: The Works of Harold Adams Innis (1894-1952)

Book Details

Title:Minerva's Owl
Innis, Harold Adams   
(4 of 9 for author by title)
Peter Pond - Fur Trader and Adventurer
An Introduction to the Economic History of Ontario From Outpost to Empire
Published:   1947
Publisher:University of Toronto Press
Tags:history, Lecture, non-fiction

In his provocative essay "Minerva’s Owl," Innis suggests that the richest flowering of an empire comes just before its decline and fall: "Minerva’s Owl begins its flight only in the gathering dusk." Innis reasons that "a monopoly or an oligopoly of knowledge is built up to the point that equilibrium is disturbed". Thus we learn from Innis that all great empires are most vulnerable in the moment of their over-reaching. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:20 Info

Author Bio for Innis, Harold Adams

Author Image

Harold Adams Innis (November 5, 1894 to November 8, 1952) was a Canadian professor of political economy.

Excerpts from The Canadian Encyclopedia:

Harold Adams Innis, political economist and pioneer in communication studies ... Innis's earlier writings in economics and economic history gave rise to a distinctively Canadian approach to these subjects, and his later attempts to analyse the crisis in Western civilization led the way to a new emphasis on the importance of different modes of COMMUNICATIONS for understanding the nature and development of a society.

To a considerable extent, the detachment of our contemporary Canadian academic community from political involvement derives from his attitudes and efforts.

In drawing attention to the impact of the media of communications on the extent and duration of a civilization, Innis's communications researches culminated his lifelong attempt to explain the interpenetration between Canada and Western civilization.

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