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The Good Gray Poet. A Vindication.

Book Details

Title:The Good Gray Poet. A Vindication.
O'Connor, William Douglas   
Published:   1866
Publisher:Bunce & Huntington
Tags:essay, non-fiction

Walt Whitman worked at three government jobs in his time in Washington. In 1865, he was fired as a clerk in the Bureau of Indian Affairs by Secretary of the Interior James Harlan, who found Leaves of Grass to be indecent. Whitman's great friend William Douglas O'Connor responded twofold. He arranged for a new job for Whitman in the Attorney General's Office, and he published The Good Gray Poet: A Vindication. The pamphlet defended the poet, put a positive spin on his notoriety, and successfully created a whole new benevolent image for Whitman. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:30 Info

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