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Famous Legends Adapted for Children

Book Details

Title:Famous Legends Adapted for Children
Crommelin, Emeline G.   
Published:   1904
Publisher:The Century Co.
Tags:fiction, legends, children's literature

INTRODUCTION—from the book

This little book of famous legends needs no introduction beyond a word of emphasis as to its educational value.

It is needless to point out, perhaps, that these stories—handed down from father to son and circulated in minstrelsy before the days of written history—have been almost the sole preservatives of the romance, chivalry, and splendor of the Middle Ages.

Out of the wealth of myths and traditions my selections have been purposely diverse, that as far as possible each nation and each people might be represented in this marshaling of the picturesque in legendary history.

And thus may the young reader have an insight into what, in the case of each nation, has become of the very fiber of its literature, art, and music.

It is the author's hope and belief that this volume will help to inculcate in the child a love for good reading, quicken his imagination, and broaden his horizon.

Emeline G. Crommelin. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:114 Info

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