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The House in Dormer Forest

Book Details

Title:The House in Dormer Forest
Webb, Mary   
(2 of 5 for author by title)
Poems, and The Spring of Joy
Armour Wherein He Trusted
Published:   1920
Publisher:Jonathan Cape

This is a short and intrinsically simple story about a house deep in the Shropshire countryside full of people, some likeable, most not, who hate each other and long to break free. The trouble is none of them can find a way out that isn't yet another form of prison for them. In the end, the more likeable characters choose to defy convention and do escape.

—Goodreads [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:207 Info

Author Bio for Webb, Mary

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Mary Webb (1881-1927) was an English romantic novelist of the early 20th century, whose novels were set chiefly in the Shropshire countryside and among Shropshire characters and people which she knew and loved well. Although she was acclaimed by John Buchan and by Rebecca West, who hailed her as a genius, and won the Prix Femina of La Vie Heureuse for Precious Bane (1924), she won little respect from the general public. It was only after her death that the Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin, earned her posthumous success through his approbation, referring to her as a neglected genius at a Literary Fund dinner in 1928.

Her writing is notable for its descriptions of nature, and of the human heart. She had a deep sympathy for all her characters and was able to see good and truth in all of them. Among her most famous works are: The Golden Arrow (1916), Gone to Earth (1917), and Seven for a Secret (1922).

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